oncology research
Oncologist targets cancer challenges
July 17th, 2023
Growing up around dogs, cats, turtles and chickens at his family’s home in Japan, Dr. Arata Matsuyama (DVM, PhD) knew from a very early age that he wanted to work with animals in veterinary medicine. But what wasn’t part of Matsuyama’s initial plan was devoting himself to studying cancer in companion animals — a decision that eventually brought him to …
Find takes scientists from cold sores to cancer
A few years ago, Dr. Vikram Misra and his research team were studying how herpes simplex virus (HSV) can determine when their host is stressed. The virus responds by reactivating and causing cold sores to recur on or around the lips of people infected with HSV. “As many already know from personal experience or observation, once someone gets a cold …
June 26th, 2012 Full story »
Study first step toward novel therapy
Cancer — it’s a diagnosis that no pet owner wants to hear and no veterinarian wants to make. What can be even tougher is coming up with a prognosis and an appropriate treatment plan for oncology patients. Dr. Kirsty Elliot hopes she can help to improve the odds for pets with cancer. As the oncology resident explains, her research may help …
June 26th, 2012 Full story »
U of S prostate researchers receive donation
The University of Saskatchewan Prostate Research Team has received $26,000 from Motorcycle Ride for Dad (MRFD) for prostate research. The project, “Development of synchrotron-based imaging and therapy tools for prostate cancer research using a canine model,” focuses on the development of improved diagnostic and treatment tools for prostate cancer in humans through the use of a dog model and a …
February 01st, 2012 Full story »