Janna Schurer
Poop, parasites and public health
February 03rd, 2014
It may look like ordinary, everyday dog poop, but to researchers at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM), those little lumps contain a treasure trove of public health information. That’s one of the key facts that I learned this summer as a WCVM research student, travelling around Saskatchewan collecting dog feces — a job that gave me first-hand experience …
Northern dogs: sentinels for parasites?
Large, free-roaming dog populations in northern Saskatchewan communities often carry parasites that can pose significant health risks to people living in the area. The dogs can act as disease reservoirs, passing parasite eggs in their feces. People then become infected from environmental contamination. “If we see parasites on the rise in the dog population, then we know that humans in …
November 30th, 2011 Full story »