dental surgery
Anesthesiologists essential to patient care
April 18th, 2017
Rounds, where each patient’s plan for the day is reviewed, begin at 8 a.m. The room is full of scrubs and sneakers and coffees. A dozen fourth-year veterinary students at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) are taking their clinical rotation through anesthesia for four weeks; each has a case plan written up that is presented to the panel …
Dental surgery fetches pain relief for Ben
When Dr. Erinn Hilberry first met Ben, the blind border collie was shy and withdrawn as he lay on the floor with his head down. Two weeks after dental surgery, Ben was a totally different dog. “It was amazing! He was wagging his tail, walking around the room sniffing stuff and coming up to people to say hi,” recalls Hilberry, …
June 03rd, 2015 Full story »