Aiding cancer research with tumour bank
September 28th, 2023
Everyone knows the deadly disease that is cancer, but ironically, what makes cancer so deadly is how little is known about it. This summer, I worked at the University of Saskatchewan (USask) with Dr. Arata Matsuyama (DVM, PhD), a specialist in veterinary medical oncology at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM), and Dr. Behzad Toosi (DVM, PhD), an assistant professor and the …
Oncologist targets cancer challenges
Growing up around dogs, cats, turtles and chickens at his family’s home in Japan, Dr. Arata Matsuyama (DVM, PhD) knew from a very early age that he wanted to work with animals in veterinary medicine. But what wasn’t part of Matsuyama’s initial plan was devoting himself to studying cancer in companion animals — a decision that eventually brought him to …
July 17th, 2023 Full story »
Going to the dogs for cancer models
A dog owner who shows up at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) with a pet that has lymphoma might be surprised to see a molecular geneticist and an internist from the College of Medicine on the team of specialists handling the case. Professor Troy Harkness from the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology and Dr. Terra Arnason, a …
October 13th, 2014 Full story »
Can your pet get sunburned?
As summer continues, people and pets alike flock outdoors to enjoy the warm weather and sunshine. We take along sunscreen, hats, sunglasses and clothes to protect our skin from the damaging ultraviolet (UV) light of the sun — but what do we do to protect our pets? If you’ve never thought about this before, don’t worry – you’re not the only …
September 02nd, 2014 Full story »