Vet Topics (Summer 2023) now online

Photo: Dr. Emmalyn Elgersma.

The Summer 2023 issue of Vet Topics, news publication for the veterinary college’s Companion Animal Health Fund, is now available online.

Click here to download the PDF. This issue includes the following stories:

A rare reaction for a rare cat. A cat named Bart experienced side effects after receiving his annual vaccinations, but as a WCVM veterinarian explains, potential post-vaccination adverse effects are extremely rare and shouldn’t steer cat owners away from vaccinating.

Dogs needed for lymphoma study. WCVM cancer researchers are seeking dogs diagnosed with lymphoma and undergoing chemotherapy to participate in a clinical trial.

Oncologist’s work focuses on cancer challenges. The newest member to the WCVM’s veterinary medical oncology team is hoping to use his new role to help human and animal cancer patients.

Pet research in motion. An investment of over $150,000 from the WCVM’s Companion Animal Health Fund will benefit scientists and graduate students whose work focuses on improving pet health.

Study’s goal: healthy dogs, healthy communities. The Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation is backing a research project that unites USask researchers from multiple disciplines in providing support to Saskatchewan communities that are experiencing challenges with dogs.

Molecular marker study may lead to canine and human therapies. USask researchers have found that canine osteosarcoma cells express a molecule that could be used to develop further cancer therapies for people and dogs.

Research in print. A roundup of WCVM-related companion animal research articles that have been recently published in peer-reviewed journals.


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