Vet Topics (Spring 2007)

Click here to download your copy of Vet Topics (Spring 2007). Here are some highlights from the Companion Animal Health Fund’s news publication:

• The Ultimate Variety Show: WCVM veterinary students are making the final preparations for VETAVISION 2007 — the largest veterinary exposition in Western Canada.

• Major Donation Benefits Companion Animal Health: WCVM’s programs for companion animal-focused health care and training for veterinarians have received a major boost from the Heather Ryan and L. David Dubé Foundation.

• Veterinary Dentistry Residency Program Approved: WCVM has received approval from the American Veterinary Dental College to offer Canada’s first accredited residency program in veterinary dentistry.

• Pets and Second-hand Smoke: A WCVM study suggests that there are measurable changes in the heart and blood vessels of dogs exposed to second-hand smoke.

• Medical Oncologist Joins the WCVM: Dr. Valerie MacDonald will soon be establishing a clinical practice in veterinary medical oncology at WCVM, along with teaching and research programs in the specialized area.

• Radiation Oncology, Step by Step: Experience a morning in WCVM’s radiation oncology centre through this photo essay.

• Pets: Great Gains from No Pain: Highlights of two WCVM studies that investigated some questions about tramadol and fentanyl — two pain-controlling drugs used in human and companion animal health.

• Champion of Pain Control: Dr. Alex Livingston’s efforts in pain control research were recently recognized by the European Association for Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology (EAVPT).

• Creature Comforts: Delta Saddler of Vernon, B.C., is giving back to companion animals by establishing an endowment fund for the support of canine health research at WCVM.

• Pet Projects: A WCVM-based study points out the benefits of quickly seeking veterinary care after your pet encounters a porcupine.

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