Dr. Cindy Shmon receives CVMA award

Dr. Cindy Shmon, a small animal surgical specialist in WCVM’s Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, is the recipient of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association’s Small Animal Practitioner Award for 2006. The award was presented in July during CVMA’s annual conference in St. John’s, Nfld.

Shmon, a 1984 graduate of the Western College of Veterinary Medicine, joined the college’s faculty in 1988 after completing internship and residency programs at the University of Guelph.

Besides her own surgical work, Shmon supervises the teaching hospital’s small animal surgery section and is involved in undergraduate and graduate teaching. The associate professor has also conducted a number of research studies in the areas of soft tissue surgery, neurosurgery, urogenital surgery, injuries in working and growing dogs, and the teaching of surgical skills.

Shmon received the University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union “Excellence in Teaching” Award for 2004-05.

The CVMA established the Small Animal Practitioner Award to encourage progress in the field of small animal medicine and surgery. The award is presented to a veterinarian whose work in small animal practice, clinical research or basic sciences is judged to have contributed significantly to the advancement of small animal medicine, surgery, or the management of a small animal practice, including the advancement of the public’s knowledge of the responsibilities of pet ownership. The award consists of a $1,000 cash award and a plaque and is sponsored by Pet Plan Insurance.

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