Vet Topics: Winter 2006
Click here to download the Winter 2006 issue of Vet Topics. Here are some highlights from this issue:
• Dental Debut: When Dr. James Anthony joined WCVM’s faculty in January 2006, he became the first veterinary dentist to fill an academic role in Canada.
• Cancer Care Kit: WCVM has developed a base of technologies, expertise and services that can be used for teaching veterinary students in all aspects of cancer therapy.
• Sight Restoration: Blindness used to be imminent for dogs diagnosed with cataracts – but the prognosis has become much brighter with advances in cataract surgery.
• Blocking the Path of Cancer: WCVM researchers are part of the push to find new ways of inhibiting angiogenesis — or blood vessel formation — in cancerous tumours.
• Pet Projects: WCVM scientists publish the results of a study investigating the cause of corneal sequestra — a painful eye condition in cats.